WHat the hekk is Kim K wearing??

I think its so KUTE!!  I mean I would do it.. a little K and a little W.. for Kanye West.. or maybe Kim West 😉

So she showed up to el aeropuerto este fin de semana con los aretitos and honestly Im not to sure y everyone at LAX was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??!! 

I think its a sweet gesture de su parte.. and it takes guts to be so open about her man.. LOVE IT!!  Get it KIM!!

Im usually not a Kim K cheerleader but I think its awesome when someone cares for someone so much and regardless of what has happened in their past years ago or recently.. they say skrew it all and treat that person like no other.

Anywho.. I dig it.. and I dig Kim n Kanye.. another K to the fam 😉

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