Alejandra Guzman Receives Platinum CD

Alejandra Guzman

Mexican singer Alejandra Guzmán has plenty to rock on about. 

La Reina del Rock’s latest album “La Guzmán-En Primera Fila” has earned her a Platinum disk for selling más de 60 mil copias. 

The album includes Guzmán’s top hits, new songs, the live recording of songs she performed in a concert on Mexico City and songs in which collaborated with other artists such as Fonseca, Draco Rosa, Dani Martín and Mario Domm.

Her first single off of the album, “Mi Primer Error” is currently number one on the radio in Mexico. 

Con más de 25 años de carrera artística and more than 15 recorded albums it is no wonder she earned such an honor. 

¡Feliciades Alejandra! 

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