Daddy Yankee Recibe su Estrella en el Paseo de la Fama en Puerto Rico

La semana pasada, el reggaetonero regresó a su tierra, Puerto Rico, para recibir un honor that was long overdue, su estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Puerto Rico. Not only did he show his appreciation and humility for the achievement, during his speech también habló sobre los problemas que está sufriendo la economía de la isla.

“I want to tell Puerto Rico that we are not the only ones, that this is worldwide,”  he declared. “We do not need to feel bad or marginalized because the whole world is going through great trials, but we as Puerto Ricans have to look for change internally first to try to positively impact our island. To those who have made the decision to leave, we don’t judge them because we also see others’ situation.”

Daddy Yankee no fue el único que recibió este honor. Veteran musician Ednita Nazario, Miss Universe Marisol Malaret, boxero Felix ‘Tito’ Trinidad, y actor Juano Hernández también recibieron un reconocimiento.

¡Mega-felicidades a todos! Puerto Ricans stand up!

Por: Becca Merci

IG: beccamerci


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