The very talented British singer, Amy Winehouse was found dead in her apartment in London! La cantante solo tenia 27 anos! A month prior, Amy Winehouse estaba cancelando a series of presentaciones. As many of you know, Amy was struggling throughout her career with alcohol and drug problems! TOdavia no se dice porque o como murio! It has been named “unexplained”.
Personally I was a fan of your distinct flavor and style of musica. Who knows what is the actual cause of her death, but after a reading a few articles, many people link it to her constant struggle with drugs. Es muy triste ver esas personas talentosas go down such path. Many can say that “they saw it coming”, however I don’t think anyone se merece tal muerte. Espero que descanse en PAZ! Les dejo el video musical of her Biggest Hit, REHAB!
(14 September 1983-23 July 2011)