Looking for a name for your baby? Look no further, we have the list of the most popular baby names in L.A.
Sophia and Matthew were the top most used names in L.A. in 2016, if you like those names then go ahead and use either of them for your little bundle of joy. Keep in mind that there will be thousands of Sophia’s and Matthew’s running around, it might be hard to single yours out.
Other popular girl names include Mia, Emma, Isabela, Victoria, etc. Over in the boy section, popular names included Daniel, David, Ethan, Noah, Jayden, Sebastian, etc.
Check out the full list of names, what do you think of the list?
1. Sophia
2. Mia
3. Emma
4. Olivia
5. Isabela
6. Emily
7. Sofia
8. Abigail
9. Victoria
10. Camila
1. Matthew
2. Jacob
3. Noah
4. Ethan
5. Daniel
6. Nathan
7. Jayden
8. Sebastian (tied with the same number of mentions as Alexander)
8. Alexander
9. David
10. Aidan