Three Men Suing Chipotle Because They Felt Too Full to Finish Their Burritos

You read that title correctly, three men in Los Angeles are suing Chipotle because they were too full to finish their burritos.

According to a complaint filed with this week in the Los Angeles County Superior Court, one of the three men “felt excessively full and realized that the burrito couldn’t have been just 300 calories.” A couple days later two other men filed similar complaints with the Los Angeles County Superior Court. 

The three men have now filed a lawsuit against Chipotle that claims the fast-casual dining chain ‘lulls’ its customers into “into a false belief that the items they are eating are healthier than they really are.” They claim that a mislabeled sign is grounds for a class action lawsuit, and are suing the company on behalf of—get this—all people who have eaten at Chipotle in the past four years.

The three men are seeking unspecified damages and an injunction against Chipotle that prohibits the company from using allegedly misleading information in its advertising and promotional campaigns.

So, what do you think of this lawsuit, will the guys win? 

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