La queridisima.. Colombiana y sobre todo LATINA.. Shakira.. is the 5th most followed por la red social de Twitter con 7,528,998 followers.
Se via reportado ayer que la cantautora era la septima mas seguida por el twitter but after I did my own personal research.. She is in actuality the 5th most followed.
#1 Barack Obama @BarackObama has a strong following of 9,588, 634 (after all he is the President) but is also following 691,696 people on twitter and has tweeted 1,704 times.
#2 Katy Perry @KatyPerry this California gurl comes in with 9,027,516 followers, following 78 people on twitter and has tweeted 3, 229 times.
#3 Britney Spears @BritneySpears married to K-Fed or not with or without hair Britney follows 420,018 peeps on twitter and has 8,908,993 followers on twitter who have seen all 962 tweets she has posted.
#4 Kim Kardashian her and her big o’ booty have 8,890,115 followers. Following 132 people but do a good amount of tweeting.. to this day Kim K has tweeted 8,564 times. Good cuz how else will we be keepin up with her wedding bells??
#5 SHAKIRA @Shakira aunque reportaron que she was 7th most followed she is actually 5th most followed with 7,528,998 followers who have checked up on her y all of her 1,066 tweets.. and follows only 39 people.