At a recent private party, el guapeton de Enrique Iglesias made a comment to the long time modelo Kate Moss that caused bread roles to be tossed across the room!

Apparently Enrique le dijo a Kate, “Kate Moss, I used to have the ­biggest crush on you when I was a kid; be nice. I had your poster on my wall.” Justo despues, Kate en grito alto le dijo, “Get the f*** away from me!”

Dios Mio!! Puede ser que Kate se ofendio porque de arrepente le comenso tirar comida a Enrique! jajaja.. Pobre Enrique, he thought he was leaving a great compliment!

Regardless how upset one gets… DON’T WASTE FOOD PEOPLE!!! Hay gente muriendose de hambre!!

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