There Are Many Obstacles, Many Roadblocks But You Must March On. But Tonight Party On!



“If you grow up in the suburbs of anywhere, a dream like this seems kind of vaguely ludicrous and completely unattainable. [But] this moment is directly connected to those imaginings. And for anybody who’s on the downside of advantage, and relying purely on courage, it’s possible.”  (Russell Crowe, his Oscar speech)

This speech by Russell Crowe when he received his Oscar for “Gladiator”, Always motivates me. Because he humbles himself and identifies that he came from a humble beginning.  There are many obstacles in the way, many roadblocks  but you must march on. Many of us in Los Angeles have humble beginnings. If you are  Latino our parents have had a humble or poor beginnings. But Anything is attainable and possible if you put your heart, body and soul! Believe in yourself and only you can achieve your success.  I wish all of you a magnificent end of the year party and hit many Homeruns this 2014! Happy New Year!


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