We Speak Spanglish!!

Webster’s Definition of  the word Spanglish:

noun \ˈspaŋ-glish, -lish\

Definition of SPANGLISH

: Spanish marked by numerous borrowings from English; broadly : any of various combinations of Spanish and English
We do this everyday.
We speak both english and spanish in one sentence and see no problem with it because this is how we speak to eachother.
Latino 963 is very proud of not only being latino and representing both of our languages but also speaking directly to you our listeners in your language…”Spanglish”
Now prende la radio when your driving your trocka or gua gua and enjoy la musica que escuchas todo el dia wether spanish or english.
Let me know what you all think of talking in “Spanglish”.
Not to be confused with “Ebonics” although some elements of it are present. BOOM!! lol

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