Pitbull & Lindsay TOGETHER


Lindsay Lohan como si no le gustara la corte.. parece ser su new home.. le van a empezar a cobrar renta as many times as often as she is there.

Well ahora no es por DUI not for stealing anything si no porque esta demandando a PITBULL.. Weird right.. Lindsay Lohan suing Pitbull.. WHY?? Well por la cancion “Give Me Everything” donde Pit dice “Hustlers move aside, so I’m tiptoein, to keep flowin’/I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan” Pero no solo se lleva a Pibull si no a Afro-Jack y Ne-Yo tanbien por escribir la cancion.. segun escuche que a cualquier emisora quien toca su nombre tanbien but.. come on.. en serio cree que el juez le va decir “ok Lindsay since u r such an innocent little girl and you have never been locked up” lol.. no lo creo.

Whats weirder is que la razon de la demanda According to TMZ, en su demanda Lindsay dice “the lyrics, by virtue of its wide appeal, condemnation, excoriation, disparaging or defamatory statements by the defendants about the plaintiff are destined to do irreparable harm to the plaintiff.” irreparable harm??  How about the DUI she got.. or the stealing of jewels SHE did.. that is irrepareable not song lyrics..


Hey Lindsay GROW UP!!

Shes been to jail what 5 times.. y esta preocupada for her name on a hit song?? That song has made her relevant again lol.. she should be thanking Pitbull Afro-Jack and Ne-Yo lol.. This is probably her way of making money now a days. A quien le vas.. Pitbull o a la tal LiLo??

Here maybe this will help u decide..

Pitbull mugshots..




Lindsay Lohans mugshots..

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